A-Z Databases

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New / Trial Databases

The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
The Biological Science Database provides comprehensive coverage of biological science fields including animal behavior, aquatic life and fisheries, chemoreception, biochemistry, ecology, plant science, toxicology, virology, microbiology, immunology genetics, health and safety science, oncogenes, entomology, and endocrinology neuroscience. Content Type: Scholarly Journals, Trade Journals, Conference Papers and Proceedings, Books, Government & Official Publications, Magazines, Newspapers, Other Sources, Reports, Tables, Working Papers, Video and Audio
New Featured
EBSCO Discovery Search is our new Learning Resources search engine where you can search through all of the library's databases at one time to find journal articles, conference proceedings, newspaper article and much more. It is often the best place to start your search.
VLeBooks is a fantastic new way for you to access your eBook catalogue,
empowering you with a quick and easy way to access texts.
Categories are - Art & Photography, Biography, Business, Finance and Law, Children's, Computing, Education , Food & Drink, Health & Lifestyle, History & Transport, Hobbies & Games, Home &, Garden, Mind, Body, Spirit, Music, Stage & Screen, Politics, Philosophy & Religion, Reference, Reference & Languages, Scientific, Technical and Medical and Sport. The list continues to grow!