EBSCO Ebooks for FE/HE is a database hosting a large selection of Multidisciplinary Ebooks covering a broad range of academic subject such as Art, Business & Management Child Development & Early Years Computers & IT, Culinary arts, Education Fashion & design Health & Social care, History Languages, Media, Performing Arts Sport, Leisure, Physical Education & Fitness Technology & Engineering. Available to our students 24/7 both on site and off site.
Getting started
You will be required to login using your college network credentials.
Once you are logged in you will need to create an account by clicking on 'Sign in' then under the next sign in button you wil need to select 'create one'.
You can perform a basic search by entering a keyword, title or author. Once you have selected a book from the search results you will be able to
Please see the how to guide below for detailed information