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Online Safety & Security

In this section we will look at Online Security, Online Safety, Radicalisation and Extremism

What is radicalisation?

Radicalisation is when someone is persuaded to support terrorism or extremism.

People might become radicalised as a result of their political views, their religion, or belief that a certain way of life is right.

Why does it happen?

When people feel isolated and marginalised, they can resort to extreme behaviour patterns as a way of regaining control of themselves and their surroundings. Research has shown that these patterns can be broken if spotted early.

What is extremism?

Holding extremist views means that whatever your race or religion you view people or events with a closed and intolerant attitute.  
Not all extremism is harmful or criminal.  But at worst, an extremist expresses hatred and violoence towards others.

Why Does it happen?

Extremism can grow where different groups in a community are isolated or wary of each other. Extremists push the boundaries and may break the law. They go beyond what is acceptable, including:
  • Using violence, threats, or intimidation
  • Being closed minded and not open to the views of others.
  • Being devoted to a belief system to the exclusion of anything else.

Can you spot an Extremist?

Extremism can take many forms: the far-right; racist groups; groups with strong pro– or anti-religious beliefs; people who discriminate against LGBTIQ; people with lifestyles and beliefs that are outside ‘the norm’; even animal rights activists.

But there is no typical age, gender, religion, ethnicity or background that makes someone into a terrorist.

They are often a vulnerable person who has been targeted by an extremist group. These groups give that person a sense of belonging, a feeling of status, and sometimes a promise of reward.

Signs of radicalisation can be:

  • Mood swings, anger, arrogance.
  • Expressing new extreme views.
  • Changes in appearance.
  • A new group of friends.
  • Spending excessive time on the internet.