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Academic writing


Paraphrasing means ‘to state something written or spoken in different words, especially in a shorter and simpler form to make the meaning clearer’ (Cambridge Online Dictionary, 2022).  

Paraphrasing is demonstrating your understanding of the texts you are reading by writing them in your own words. It is important to remember that when you include information that you have paraphrased, you must still provide a proper reference to your source information because you are still using the ideas that you have obtained from others. If you do not reference, you are not acknowledging the work that has been done by someone else. 


  1. Quoting means accurately repeating, inside speech marks, what is written or said word for word.
  2. Paraphrasing means expressing someone else’s ideas in your own voice, while keeping the same essential meaning.
  3. Summarising means taking a long passage of text from someone else and condensing the main ideas in your own words.

Why paraphrase?

  1. To further explain or simplify a passage that may be difficult to understand. By showing your reader that you understand the idea, paraphrasing not only clarifies the idea in the passage but also illustrates that you, since you can articulate this difficult message to the reader, are knowledgeable about the topic and should be trusted.
  2. To maintain the flow of the writing. Each author has a unique voice and using direct quotes can interrupt this voice. Too many quotes can make an essay sound choppy and difficult to follow. Paraphrasing can help communicate an important idea in a passage or source without interrupting the flow of the essay. 
  3. To eliminate less relevant information. Since paraphrasing is written using the author’s own words, he or she can be more selective in what information from a passage should be included or omitted.
  4. To avoid plagiarism. Always remember to include an in-text citation and a full reference at the end of the essay for the paraphrased text.  

The Do's and Dont's


  • The first step in paraphrasing is to read the original text and get a full grasp of it. You may need to read the original text a few times and check the meaning of key words to fully understand it.
  • Keep the paraphrase as simple as possible.
  • Express the points concisely.
  • Use your own words and do not be tempted to copy from the original text unless you are using technical language.
  • Finally, proofread, revise and edit your paraphrase as necessary.


  • Don’t paraphrase without really reading and understanding the source. You can’t paraphrase an idea that you don’t fully understand. You’ll need to read carefully, and you might need to read the source several times.  
  • Don’t look at the original as you try to paraphrase. Focus on capturing the idea, not the sentences. Imagine you’re explaining it to a friend. 
  • Don’t change the meaning of ideas or take them out of context. If the authors crept up behind you and read your paraphrase, would they think it was accurate?
  • Copy useful pieces of the original text and pad it out using your own words. Make sure you have copied no more than 20% of the original language).
  • You must not use bits of the original sentence(s) without referencing these appropriately otherwise you risk being accused of plagiarism.
  • Change each word to a similar one, a synonym, as you go along a sentence, so technically it is all changed. This it does not demonstrate your understanding of the source read.

Avoiding Plagiarism

As a general principle, if you quote, paraphrase or summarise the work of another person, that is, use their words or ideas, you must give the authors credit for it. If not, you may be accused of plagiarising the work of others, and of misleading people about the origin of your ideas. You will be guilty of academic dishonesty. So, to avoid plagiarism, always remember reference your work properly, and to give credit where credit is due.