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Green Week : Get involved

How can you get involved

To good 2 go app

Too Good To Go is a service with a mobile application that connects customers to restaurants and stores that have surplus unsold food. 

Carbon Footprint

Do your bit to help the planet by making less short journeys by car. Where possible use other modes of transport, bus, tram, bike or walk. Not only can using the car less be better for the planet, but it is also better on your health and your pocket. Using your car less would mean less money you would have to spend on fuel, parking and other expenses. For short journey, like nipping to the corner shop, have a walk. If you have to use the car, try carpooling. If someone you work with lives close to you, look at sharing the cost by only using one car. Not only is this better for the environment, but you might even make new friends and increase your social circle. 

Freecycle or Upcycle

Many areas have a local freecycle page on social media, this allows people in the community to share items that they no longer need but might be useful for someone else. Many people use these pages to find items that they can upcycle. This could be finding a old bookcase and painting it to fit their asthetic or use pallets to make furniture. 

Grow your own

Growing your own veg is a rewarding hobby that is simple to start and easy to keep up with. You don't need to be the best gardener to start our own veggie plot, just some good soil, seeds and the power of mother nature. You don't even need a lot of space, some veggie can be grown in containers on your kitchen windowsil. This hobby can help the environment in the same way all plants do, by converting carbon dioxide into oxygen. Growing your own can be rewarding in other ways, you know exactly where the fresh produce on your table has come from. 

Smarter shopping

How often do you buy a bag of apples when you might only eat 3? Shop smarter and pick loose products in the supermarket. If you really want to help, shot using the plastic bags for loose produce and get some reusable produce bags. 

Electric Cars

Due to the advancements in technology, Electric cars are becoming more common on our roads. This cars are a cleaner alternative to petrol or diesel vehicles. There are pros and cons for owning an electric vehicle but it all depends on what journeys you intend to use the car for. Information about electric vehicles are everywhere, however here in the LRC, we like reading Autocar to find out all there is to know about cars, both fuel and electric. 

Litter Picking

Volunteer in your community to help rid the area of litter. Litter has become a too common problem and it is the responsibility of all of us to help stop this issue. Working together to clean our streets of unwanted litter is not only good for the community, it is good for the environment. Nobody wants to step on rubbish that has been dumped, or find it in your garden. Look in your local area to see if there are any volunteer groups who might need your help. 

Plant Trees

With our ever growing population, breathing in oxygen and breathing out more carbon dioxide, trees are a vital part of our planets ecosystem. It is possible to do your part by planting some trees in your garden or other areas of land you have access to. You don't need to be planting huge oak trees if you don't have the space. You can pick up smaller fruit trees at local garden centres and nurseries, these will also help you enjoy the fruits of your labour, quite literally. 

Shopping bags

How many of us are guilty of buying a 10p bag because it is convenient when we are doing our shopping but making one small change to your weekly shop can make a massive difference for the planet. Reusing your shopping bags. Use your plastic bags as many times as possible or purchase a reusable from your local supermarket. 

Donate Unused Items

We all know that it is so easy to just throw away an item that is unused, whether they are clothing, toys or even appliences. Do your bit for the planet and the community by donating these items to charities, local groups or even other people in your area. Remeber the old saying, One persons trash is anothers treasure. 

Turn Off

Do you have a habit of leaving your tv on standby when you aren't using it? Or leaving the microwave switched on when you aren't cooking? These devices and many more in our homes are dubbed 'Vampire Devices', due to their ability to drain electricity when not in use. Turning these items off can help to save not only the planet by reducng the energy used but also the pocket, saving the average household somewhere between £60 - £147, according to British Gas. 

Get Out

Getting out and about is a great way to help the planet. Spend time outside, walking in parks or even reading outside. Turn off the tv, leave the car keys at home and spend some time in the nature that we surround ourselves with. There are some beautiful walks right on our doorsteps. Nature is everywhere, go out and enjoy it.