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LGBT+ History Month : Home

LGBT History Month

What does LGBT mean?

Over the years, the LGBT acronym has grown to include other areas of identity. We commonly see the acronym LGBTQIA+ now although this doesn’t include all the possible identities, such as non-binary and gender fluid. The main acronym refers to:





Queer or Questioning



A history of the LGBT

The history of LGBT dates all the way back to ancient civilizations, who first recorded instances of same-sex love and sexuality. There is reference to peoples of varying identities, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, woven into the histories of many cultures around the world.  LGBT History Month itself was found in 1994 by Rodney Wilson, a history teacher in a Missouri high school. As of 2022, LGBT History Month is a month long celebration that is specific to areas of Europe, the UK, the USA and Australia. America, Canada and Australia celebrate October to coincide with National Coming Out Day on October 11th, while the UK uses February to coincide with the anniversary of the Section 28 abolition, a piece of legislation that allowed employers to essentially discriminate against employees based on their sexuality.