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Automobile Engineering: Databases & Journals

Researching for Assignments

Journals cover a range of sources, including newspapers; magazines and academic journals.  News and research around your subject area are usually published first in journals.

A journal can be useful:

  • to find up-to-date information
  • to find our what has been researched on your topic
  • to find information that points to other relevant research

Databases enable you to find journal articles and reports which have been written around your topic.  Sometimes they will provide just a summary of the article or a link to the full online article itself.

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Combining your search terms with 'AND' will narrow the time your search takes to produce fewer, more specific resources.

Combining your search terms with OR will broaden out your search to include related words and concepts, producing more results.

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Useful databases for Automobile Engineering

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Useful Journals

Alphabetical List of Electronic Resources

As well as the individual subject databases listed above, you may wish to access our full list of resources which cover other subject areas.

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Understanding An Article Reference

A correctly formatted reference will tell you exactly where to find the full article:

DING, Y., JACOB, E. K., ZHIXIONG, Z., FOO, S., ERJIA, Y., GEORGE, N. L. and LIJIANG, G. (2009) Perspectives on social tagging, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60 (12), 2388-2401.

This article was written by Y Ding & colleagues, and the article's title is "Perspectives on social tagging".  It was published in 2009 in the journal called "Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology".  It was published in volume 60, issue 12, and the article ran from page 2388 to 2401.