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Economics: Textbooks & eBooks

Subjects and Shelfmarks in the Library

Subject Sub-sections

Class number

Economic development


Economic fluctuations


Economic forecasting


Economic history


Economic law


Economic sociology


Economic systems






Financial economics


International banking


International economics


International planning/policy


Legislative bodies


Managerial accounting


Maths for economics


Monetary standards


Personnel management


Public administrations




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  • Is the book out on loan? - Place a hold
  • Is the book at another library site? - Place a hold
  • Is the book not held by the library at all? - Use the Inter library loan service to borrow it from another library
  • Recommend a book? - Contact your Subject Specialist or Librarian if you would like to recommend a book we should buy for the library. 

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If you are looking for a book which is not held in any of our libraries, you can ask us to borrow it from another library through the Inter-Library Loans system.

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Textbooks & eBooks

The Library has a huge range of textbook and eBook titles to meet your needs.

Textbooks can be a great place to start your research, but remember that demand can be high, so you'll need to plan in advance.  Use the Library Catalogue to check what books the library has available.

eBooks are a quick and easy way to access material.  They are available on or off campus and can be used 24 hours a day.  If you own a tablet device, these books can be viewed easily wherever you have a connection to the internet.  These titles also allow limited printing.

You can access our textbook and eBook collections through the Library Catalogue

Ebooks are included in the library catalogue, however, you may also wish to use the ebook platforms themselves.

Unless otherwise indicated, to access these ebooks platforms click on the link and enter your Network username and password when prompted:

A selection of ebooks for your subject

Economics : for A level, year 1, and AS 

OCR A Level Economics Book 2

Edexcel A level economics A 1 : includes AS level 

AQA A-level economics. 1 

AQA A-level economics. 2 

Economics for everyone : a short guide to the economics of capitalism

The use of big data : benefits, risks, and differential pricing issues

Marconomics : defining economics through social science and consumer behavior

The Great Eurozone Disaster : From Crisis to Global New Deal.

Call Numbers Explained

When you enter the details of the item that you want on the Library Catalogue it will display a call number that tells you where the item is shelved.

The call number will usually look something like this:

306.47 GEL 

The combinations of letters and numbers gives a location based on the subject content of the item.  The items are arranged on the shelves using the call numbers.

The library floor plan will show you where items with particular call numbers are stored.