Film (Movie)
Film (Movie)
A reference for a film will generally require the following elements:
# Title of film. [medium e.g. Blu-ray] Directed by Surname Initial/s. Place of Production, Country. Producers. Year. |
Full Reference for the Reference List
6 Hidden Figures. [Blu-ray] Directed by Melfi T. Century City, CA, USA. Twentieth Century Fox, 2017. |
Episode from a T.V. series
# Title of episode or episode number in Title of series. [Medium] Written by Surname Initial/s (or presented/narrated by if writer unavailable) Directed by Surname Initial/s. Place of Production. Production company. Year. |
Full Reference for the Reference List
8 Urban Heart Surgery in Fifteen Billion Pound Railway [DVD] narrated by J. Barratt. Directed by J. Lubman. London, UK; Windfall Films, 2014. |