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Vancouver Referencing Guide: Books - Corporate Author

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Books / eBooks - Corporate Author

Books - Corporate Author

Books - Corporate Author


The author of a publication be an organisation. For example, NHS, the BBC, Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development...

It is not uncommon for a book that is written by an organisation to also be published by the same organisation.


Example: Book with a corporate author - published by the same organisation.


In-text citation

It was found that numbers of lambs born in in Ireland in the year 2000 increased significantly compared to both the 1999 and 1998 figures.(6)


Full reference for the Reference List

6    Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development. Pedigree sheep breed          improvement programme: performance results for lambs summer 2000. Cavan           (Ireland): Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development; 2000.            


Note: Various associations, government agencies, institutions or corporations may be corporate authors

  • The name of the organisation is used in place of individual author(s).

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