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Vancouver Referencing Guide: Webpage - Individual Author

Webpage - Individual Author

Webpage - Individual  Author

Webpage - Individual Author

Webpage - Individual Author


General Guidelines

  • When individual authors are credited on the webpage, list them as the author(s) in your reference.
  • Provide as specific a date as possible.
  • If the webpage displays a date at which it was last updated, then use this date if you are sure that it is attributable to the actual content that you are citing.
  • If the webpage displays a 'date of last review', then ignore it for the purposes of referencing. This is because content that has simply been reviewed,  has not necessarily been changed.
  • Include the title of the webpage.
  • Include the name of the website.
  • Include the URL of the webpage.



In-text citation

In a recent consumer survey that covered a number of different countries, 64% of all respondents said that they would more likely think positively about a brand that was committed to reducing the carbon footprint of its products (9)


Full reference for the Reference List

9  Jones H. The future for footprinting. [Internet] Carbon Trust. 2020 April 27                            


Vancouver Referencing Guide: A - Z