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APA Referencing Guide: Authors


In-text Citations - Authors

In-text Citations - Authors

In-Text Citations - Authors


Narrative and Parenthetical Citations

Depending on how you wish to structure your sentence,  the name of the author that you are citing may itself form part of your sentence and form part of your narrative, or,  it may be placed placed in the same parenthesis (brackets) as the year of publication .. 


Example - author cited within the narrative
According to Darwin (1859), biological evolution is a natural process that takes place over successive generations as heritable gene characteristics are passed from parent to offspring during reproduction.



Example - author cited within parenthesis
Biological evolution is a natural process that takes place over successive generations as heritable gene characteristics are passed from parent to offspring during reproduction (Darwin, 1859).

Number of authors

Citing within your narrative Citing within the parenthesis
one Smith (2018) (Smith, 2018)
two Smith and Jones (2018) (Smith & Jones, 2018)
three or more Smith et al. (2018) (Smith et al., 2018)



Multiple Authors


Two authors:                       Note the use of ampersand '&' in the parenthesis.


Three or more authors:      Note the use of et al.



Unknown Author

When the author of a piece of work cannot be identified,  the piece of work may specifically list the unknown author as 'Anonymous'.

If the unknown author has been designated as 'Anonymous',  then you should simply use the word 'Anonymous' in place of an author your in-text citation.

If the piece of work does not list an unknown author as 'Anonymous',  then you should not include the word 'Anonymous in your in-text citation, but instead, you should use the the title of the work in place of an author in your in-text citation.


Example (unknown author specifically designated as 'Anonymous')


It has been claimed that the President's behavior can be so erratic, that many top administration officials have pre-written resignation letters ready to submit (Anonymous, 2019).

Note: The term 'Anonymous' must also be used in place of an author's name in your Reference List.




Example (unknown author not specifically designated as 'Anonymous')


Many of the cotton spinning mills in Lancashire produced a fine, high quality yarn from raw cotton that had been imported from Egypt (Spinning a yarn, 1960).

Note : The title of the work must also appear in place of an author's name in your reference list.

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