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APA Referencing Guide: Twitter Tweet

Twitter Tweet

Twitter Tweet

Twitter Tweet

Twitter Tweet


A reference to a Twitter tweet generally requires the following elements:


  • The name of the individual or organisation that has posted the tweet.
  • The date of the post.
  • The title of the tweet - use the first 20 words of the tweet as the title. A URL, hashtag or emoji counts as one word. Do not italicise emojis.
  • If the tweet includes an image, a video, a poll, or a thumbnail image with a link, indicate that in brackets after the title: [Image attached], [Video attached], [Thumbnail with link attached]. 
  • Include the description "[Tweet]" after the title.  
  • Include "Twitter" as the site name.






















In-text citation

Within a few weeks of quitting smoking, blood circulation improves and physical activity becomes easier (NHS, 2020).  



Full reference for the reference list

NHS [@NHSuk]. (2020, March 11).  Between 2 to 12 weeks after becoming

#Smokefree your circulation will improve and you will start to notice that

physical [Image attached] [tweet].Twitter.


APA Referencing Guide: A - Z