If you want to keep items longer you can renew via the online Library Catalogue. Log in to your account using your college username and password. Once logged in you can view your account information by clicking on your name. You can ‘Renew selected’ or ‘Renew all’ in the checkouts list. If there is a problem (e.g. if someone else has reserved the item or it has already passed the due date) this will be indicated in the Renew column. The new due date will appear in the Due column. Currently, items are automatically renewed twice unless there is a request for that item.
Alternatively you can phone or call into any LRC to request your books be renewed.
If someone else has requested the items you have out on loan you will not be able to renew them and will be asked to return them as soon as possible. If you are having difficulty returning an item speak to a member of the LRC staff.