Students Cards
Your College card contains displays your name, your photographs and your computer network username. Your card identifies you as a member of the college and you are normally required to visibly wear it when you are on college premises, or engaged in a college activity.
Your card allows you to:
Obtaining a card
Most students are issued with a college card at the time that they enrol onto their course. However, if you are currently enrolled onto a course, you may obtain a card / replacement card anytime by visiting a Learning Resource Centre - make sure that you take proof that you have enrolled onto a course (ideally a copy of your ' College Learning Agreement' that was issued to you at the time of course enrolment. The first card that is issued to you during each academic year will be free-of-charge.
Replacing a lost Card / card holder / lanyard
If you lose your card, card holder or lanyard you may purchase replacement at any LR Centre.
Faulty Cards / lanyards
If your card / lanyard, becomes faulty as a result of normal and fair use, The LR staff will normally issue you with a free replacement providing as long as you are in possession of the faulty card/lanyard.